Sober living

March 5, 2021

What Happens When You Get Blackout Drunk: How Heavy Drinking Affects Your Personality

Turning to the students’ reports of how they’d actually attempted to reconstruct boozy blanks in real life, consulting a drunk friend was more common than consulting […]
June 2, 2021

Alcohol Poisoning: Symptoms, Causes, Treatments, and Prevention

People in this stage of intoxication are very likely to forget things happening around or to them. They might “black out” without actually losing consciousness and […]
October 27, 2021

Antidepressants and alcohol: What’s the concern?

When psychosis is suspected, a general physical and neurological exam should be performed to exclude medical causes such as subdural hematoma, seizures, or hepatic encephalopathy—any of […]
February 3, 2022

Is It OK to Drink Alcohol With COPD?

In fact, people who have an alcohol use disorder are more than twice as likely to have something called acute respiratory distress syndrome. And studies show […]