All that is not given is lost
The idea of establishing an organization for the welfare of poor and deserving emanated from a simple effort to provide goats to destitute families and widows residing in Khurrum Village on the foothills of Margallas.
Our objective is to allow them to be self-sustaining for communal welfare by breeding more animals and sharing dividends with the near community.
Subsequently the scope was expanded in the same area to cover assistance children with special needs (specifically girls) with a view to improve the quality of their lives by training them to useful vocation.
The need of the area also demanded attention to health care and recreational facilities for the populance. During the course of these humble endeavors, it was revealed that there were many individuals and families that need succor and support for either basic survival or emergencies, who resisted financial support as a charity. They were however open to help and assistance from an organization under dignified framework.
A group of mainly like-minded colleagues concluded that this informal endeavor was worthwhile as a stepping stone for the formalization of a registered welfare organization with an effective structure. “Serving Humanity” was accordingly registered and now has a vision of translating its modest efforts with accompanying gratification to a larger but practical canvas.

President's Message
T he launching of Web Site of “Serving Humanity” is both the recognition of services of this charity over last seven years and tribute to passion and contribution of many who played their role, openly and silently in this noble work.
What commenced as a minor support arrangement in form of arranging animals for the needy has grown to a modest but robust service organisation. Over the years “Serving Humanity” has morphed into a sustainable setup involved in a number of charity and welfare activities. This website would give an overview of “Serving Humanity” activities spread over years. These diverse humanitarian activities at large from setting eye clinics and medical camps, providing tube wells, supporting individuals and institutions and finally setting up a “Serving Humanity” Vocational Training Centre (VTC) at village Khuram near Taxila at the foot hills of Margalla on the other side of Islamabad.
The VTC is being run by Serving Humanity & Rawalpindi Eye Donor Organisation. It covers approximately 4500 square foot of built up area. It has classes for basic education and skill learning like cutting, stitching, embroidery and Adda work. Lately we have added Computer learning Centre and Beauty Parlour Clinic for training. Our future programmes include setting up of similar facilities in at least other two more locations in parallel with usual charity activities identified earlier.
We are grateful to Allah for enabling us to provide this humble service to the deserving and needy. My special thanks to the Trustees and staff who have both contribution financially and with their time and effort to make this venture viable and successful. We pray we can continue on this road with prescience, passion and proficiency.
Brig (Retd) Sardar Javed Ashraf Khan, SI (M)
President Serving Humanity
Governing Body of Serving Humanity

Objectives and Scope of Work
- As the name "Serving Humanity' suggests, welfare and charity activities will be across the board, regardless of caste, color, creed and religious affiliations.
- All funding is initially be arranges by the founding members from within our own resources.
- Focused efforts will be made to identify and undertake larger projects after experience and establishment of the credibility of our organization. No formal funding will be solicited unless a welfare project is procure, evaluated and its viability established. Funding arrangements will always be project-centric.
- Radius of 100 kilometers (initially) around Islamabad / Rawalpindi was to be geographical compass of the work for practicality. Could be enhanced later.
- The welfare projects done either individually or collectively in collaboration with established charities will be undertaken on basis of anonymity, silent resolve and enrollment of local populace for sustainability. Serving Humanity's main ethos will be service with recognition only when indispensable.